Sunday, November 25, 2012

Out of the mouth of Lila!

Over the last 12 years that Tommy and I have been hosting Thanksgiving, I have always stressed about things being perfect. Does the silverware all match? Are there enough matching glasses for everyone? Is the table set just right? Every year Tommy would try to tell me that none of that mattered to anyone but me and that I should loosen up a bit and relax. I couldn't. I just couldn't. But this year was different. I listened to my husband (thank you dear) and I relaxed. And you know what happened? I enjoyed Thanksgiving this year. I had fun and liked having everyone at our house!
On Thanksgiving morning Tommy and I were up around 5:30 to prepare the turkey and get it in the oven. By the time we finished and had things cleaned up, the girls were awake. We did a low key breakfast, got everyone showered and settled in to watch the parades...that's right, we watch 2 parades. We try flipping back and forth between Macy's parade and the Philly parade in hopes that we don't miss anything too spectacular in either one. Everyone else started showing up slowly but surely after a while. We were supposed to eat lunch/dinner at 2:00. Oh yeah, but the turkey was done at 11:30AM. Yep, I said it. DONE. Not like, maybe a little bit done but it could stay in for a little while longer. Nope. Done. But, instead of panicking, I just laughed! What else could I do? This is me no longer stressing if things aren't perfect. I like this me. She was calm. She didn't freak out. (and I hadn't had anything to drink yet!) So, I turned the turkey off and waited until it was time and then finished making dinner. All in all, it was a good meal and everyone ate until they were stuffed. We were surrounded by our loved ones and everyone was happy. 
For that, I am extremely thankful.  
I think I may try to be more relaxed more often. 
Well, I said I would TRY. 
I can't promise anything!

Ok, let's get to the part about the child and what comes out of her mouth!
Oh, my little Lila. 
Lila, Lila, Lila.
Lila will say EXACTLY what is on her mind.
She has very little filter but then again, she is only 5.
Love her!
K, here goes...

Wednesday before Thanksgiving I was driving Lila to gymnastics and we had the following conversation:
Perhaps I should preface this conversation by explaining that my brother-in-law is gay and has been in a relationship for a LONG time. It is the way my girls know and love them and nothing has ever before been questioned or has been looked at as anything other than ordinary.

Me: Uncle Jerry and Uncle Ricky are coming down to stay with us for 4 nights! Isn't that exciting?
Lila: Where are they going to sleep?
Me: They are going to sleep in Emma's room (note: Emma has a futon in her room so 2 people can fit in her room.)
Lila: Who is going to sleep in Emma's bed?
Me: No one, they will both sleep on the futon.
During this long dramatic pause a number of things went running through my head.
1. How do I explain to my 5 year old what it means to be gay?
2. Oh God, please don't ask me this right now.
3. Tommy and I have never spoken about how to explain this to our girls, maybe we need to do that ASAP.
4. Please don't ask me this right now.
5. WHAT DO I SAY????
All of these thoughts went through my brain in those few nanoseconds.
But I stayed calm.
This is how she finished her sentence...
Lila: How are they going to fit on the futon? They're HUGE!!!!!
She is hysterical!
As I took a long sigh of relief I also literally laughed out loud at the way her little brain works!
I love the fact that my girls don't question it and just know that Uncle Jerry and Uncle Ricky both love them very much and that that is the only thing that matters!
That's our girl : )

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving. My mother in law always says, "Worry is a useless emotion." It's hard not to though. Glad you're getting better at not doing it.
